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Authentication and authorization



Check authorization method
Method typeGET
URL or endpoint/api/vversion/init/app
Query stringURL (web), contentId (iOS, Android)
appIdThe ID of your application.
authThe authorization header.
content-typeThe content-type of the response.
acceptThe accept header.
referrerThe referrer header.
originThe origin header.
x-api-keyThe API key of your app, which is generated in the API section on your Tonos admin account.
biskoIdThe Bisko ID of your application.
iOS Headers
deviceTypeThe device type your application is suited towards.
iosversionThe iOS version of the application.
bundleIdThe bundle ID of the application.
Android Headers
deviceTypeThe device type your application is suited towards.
androidversionThe iOS version of the application.
package nameThe package name of the application.


If the service is successful, the server sends back an HTTP 200 response.

"statusCode": 200,
"success": true,
"errors": {},
"message": null,
"data": {
"ais": {
"clientId": "tonos_client_web",
"scopes": "openid email profile offline_access tonos_identity",
"redirectUri": "",
"responseType": "id_token token",
"authority": ""
"b": 180431,
"c": true
Field NameTypeDescription
dataObjectReturns the data of the response as an object.
aisObjectAn object that represents the identity provider.
clientIdstringThe client ID.
scopesstringthe scopes of the identity provider.
redirectUristringThe redirect URI of the identity provider.
responseTypestringThe response type.
authoritystringThe authority that sent the request.
bintThe bisko ID.
cbooleanIndicates whether the client is logged in.