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Release Notes

A representation of new additional features and improvements that have been implemented in Tonos.

Release 1.1.1: 06/03/2023

We are excited to announce some updates and improvements to our platform! Below are the details of the changes:

  • Case Insensitive Emails: We have removed case sensitivity in emails for inviting license members. This means that you can now invite members to your license without worrying about capitalization in their email addresses.
  • Minimum Users for Experiments: We have added a minimum number of users requirement when creating and running an experiment. This ensures that your experiment has enough users to generate meaningful results.
  • Braintree Upgrade: We have upgraded our Braintree version to 5.15.0. This upgrade brings new features and bug fixes to our integration with Braintree’s payment processing system.

Release 1.1.0: 11/01/2023


The option to perform A/B tests on campaigns has been added under Optimization/Experiments. Experiments are used to test different variants of the campaign on a real audience and collect data for each variant. Based on this data, a campaign can be modified through experiments to optimize the user experience, improve conversion rates, and increase revenue.

For more information, please refer to the following link.


The option to auto-renew subscriptions is now available for subscriptions under Customer Management/Subscriptions or through the users’ My Account feature. If auto-renew is toggled on, an active subscription will be automatically renewed at the end of the billing period. If the subscription cannot be renewed, it will be moved to the in-grace state, during which the user has access to the subscription content while renewal attempts are made. If the in-grace period ends without a payment being completed, the subscription state is changed to retry. The user does not have access to the subscription content while renewal attempts are made when moved to the retry state.

For more information, please refer to the following link.

Payment Methods

The option to use Braintree as a payment gateway is now provided through Integrations/Payment Providers. On clicking Braintree from the list of options, a form is displayed which can be filled in to add Braintree as a payment provider.

For more information, please refer to the following link.

Other Updates and Improvements

  • Canceling a subscription with a prorated refund amount on a custom date now calculates the prorated amount in real time and shows the admin the refunded amount.
  • Refund reason is now set as optional.
  • Previously, users that were granted access for free through: Gift, Grant Access, Registration or License were not considered new users. From now on, all users that have not paid, will be considered new (affects audience, plans' checkbox to show free trial only to new users, and more).
  • Offer templates can now use the builder and have custom css on them at the same time.
  • Users can now add/update/remove payment methods from the "My Account" page (applies only if Braintree is used as the payment provider).
  • Editing grant access now shows the correct starting date of the access.

Release 1.0.5: 01/04/2022

External Service Promotions

External service promotions allow you to offer users additional benefits outside of your services to customers purchasing subscriptions on your sites to make subscription offers even more attractive to customers. They can be used to provide discounts or discounted access to services from third-parties.

Webhooks Updates

The webhook model has been updated to include information on refunds including date cancellation and refund, reason for the refund. Additionally, the valid from and to dates have been added to the subscription event. For failed webhook requests, now one is able to use the ‘resend the event’ option.

Audience Size Calculator

When creating audiences, one will have the option to use the ‘Calculate Audience Size’ to calculate the number of users who are part of an audience.

Page Targeting Size Calculator

When creating a page targeting rule, one will have the option to use the ‘Calculate Size’ to calculate the number of pages that are targeted with the rule.

Other Improvements

  • General updates to the user interface and design
  • Overall fixes

Release 1.0.4: 28/02/2022

Gift Subscriptions

Gift subscription plans allow your readers to gift the content they love to others. Gift recipients receive personalized messages from the giver and a link to a page where they can instantly redeem their gift. It provides an organic way of boosting the subscriber base, especially around holiday events.


Forms help you grow your email contact list to help you drive your marketing strategy. They help you capture your visitors’ email address for use in various email campaigns and drive newsletter sign-ups to prompt visitors to visit your site and content.

Content Re-crawler

Pages are periodically recrawled to ensure that Tonos has an up-to-date view of the content. New pages are fetched immediately, as capacity allows. Please note, however, that Tonos currently requires that a new page has been viewed at least once before it is crawled. The crawler can be triggered manually on demand to re-crawl data.

Other Improvements

  • Target pages based on keywords
  • Overall fixes

Release 1.0.3: 31/01/2022


Licenses allow members of your team to create subscriptions on behalf of a client via the Tonos dashboard. They allow you to create subscriptions for hundreds of users at once on behalf of the organization purchasing the subscription to premium content. Licenses will allow any user associated with it to redeem access to your site by redeeming that access via an email they receive upon invitation.

General Improvements

  • Maximum promotion redemptions for a customer - customers could redeem the unique code more times than the maximum number of redemptions you set. This has now been fixed. promotion redeem count did not increase for subscriptions that had a trial period. This has now been fixed.
  • Multiple servers caching invalidation - Tonos runs on multiple instances of multiple servers. When a change happened in one instance, the other instances did not accept all the changes. This led to some instances being more up to date than others for a period of time. With the latest fixes, all updates are shared between all instances in real time.
  • Share Products and their entities between applications in an organization.
  • Added promotion analytics - You can now find the deducted amount for total revenues.
  • Enabled GoPay Bank Transfer option - Users will now be able to complete payments via Bank transfer by choosing the option once they enter the GoPay payment gateway. At this time, the option has not been added to the checkout flow in Tonos yet.
  • The currency on the main dashboard defaulted to the system default in Euro regardless of the currencies used when creating subscription plans. This has now been updated and the most used frequency is used as a default in the dashboard.
  • Updated My Account method structure

Release 1.0.2: 14/01/2022


Tonos’ promotions improve conversion rates by enabling strategic marketing initiatives by offering discounts to customers when purchasing subscriptions. One can create promotions that provide an amount or percentage discount on a subscription plan with options to apply discounts directly on offers or generate promotion codes and send them to qualified individuals to use during checkout.

Due to restrictions on Android and iOS in-app-purchase, promotions are available only on web applications.

Multi-language support on Tonos Admin

For Tonos clients who speak languages other than English, localization simplifies translating the default English source text shown on the Tonos Admin. This ensures that all team members can access and use the Tonos Admin in a language they speak.


  • Client performance improvements to ensure minimal delays in displaying offers to end-users when visiting targeted pages.
  • Improved search performance to make sure that results are returned quickly when searching throughout the Tonos Admin.
  • Updated Webhooks model to include additional information on subscriptions and payments: time zone has been added to all objects (subscriptions, payments, invoices), the trial key has been added to subscriptions, VAT amount on payment object, and subscription expiration date-time.
  • Updated the geo-chart and date filters on the analytics dashboard. The geo-chart provides the option to zoom-in on the map. ‘Compare to’ option is now optional.
  • Updates to Template Builder including option to edit design on price and duration values, toggle options are now inside main menus, option to edit the padding of an offer card, offer card item, main and footer sections, option to edit margins on offer sections, and option to edit width on offer sections.
  • All recurring GoPay payments are now handled by Tonos to ensure that the time of new payments is precise.

Release 1.0.1 : 02/12/2021

  • Update campaigns for new pages

  • Filter table data fixes

  • Emails translations